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God is faithful!

Well, I’m sorry I haven’t posted too much since we got here . It seems like it’s been a whirlwind, especially since we got Cai! Everything is going well ! It’s really going better than we could have hoped for , and I know it’s because of all the prayers . Anything that I worried about has not even been an issue. For example , I worried slightly if she would want us to change her name, but God sent someone ahead of us to tell her about her new name the Friday before we got here. We already knew that she thought ” Cai was pretty” before we got here. She wanted to be called Cai by the time we left the government office on gotcha day. Communication has gone rather well , also . I was a little nervous about it , too . I learned enough chinese phrases to speak to her and ask questions , and she seems to understand a decent amount of English . God is good !


We are on our way!

Well , the day is finally here! We made it to Houston, Texas . We leave at 1am on a 14.5 hour flight to Beijing . Another scripture that was important to me in the beginning of this journey comes to mind. Samuel 22:29-30 says, “You Lord are my lamp; The Lord turns my darkness into light. With your help, I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” Actually , that whole chapter is awesome if you want to read it! This story really got started about 2 years ago when I heard my pastor’s wife tell a story about an infertile couple who were adopting from China. I knew about infertility myself , because we struggled for 10 years before we were able to have our son. Our pastor’s wife was also about to go on a mission trip to work with orphans in China. I remember having a huge burden after hearing that story. I didn’t know if I was crazy or if my family was being called to adopt. I began to pray and asked someone else to pray , also . I wondered  at first what my husband would say or even if we could get approved to adopt from China. It all seemed like a huge wall at the time, but God knocked that wall down and now we are going to China to get our sweet girl . I find it somewhat ironic that we will tour the Great Wall of China. I will try to finish this story little by little , because it’s such a long one. I feel , though, that it’s too good not to tell !

Leaving in 3 days!!

imageWell , it’s hard to believe we leave for China in 3 days. It’s hard to know what to put in this first post, but I think I’ll start with this scripture .”Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices , my body will also rest secure, because you will not abandon me to the grave ; you will not let your faithful one see decay; you have made known to me the path of life ; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”psalm 16:9-11.  That verse caught my attention last August when we were waiting to get our daughter’s file from the adoption agency. We knew that she had been abandoned at the age of 5. It’s also important to us because of how amazing it is to know that when God calls you to do something , he will guide you on that path and he will go before you on that path . He will fill you with overwhelming joy when you look back at all that He has done. God did not abandon Cai , and he will not abandon any of us.